
Challenge #2...

This one if for you Kathy, even though I had it on the list already.
Pull your camera manual out and teach yourself a new photo technique!!
Deadline (or we wouldn't do it)....October 24th.
The sky is the limit.....Have fun!!!
p.s. don't forget to post what you've learned.


Cami said...

Our camera came with a manual?! Can't the challenge be finding the manual to your camera? I'm in, maybe I'll actually be able to take better pictures, always a bonus for a scrapper!

Kathryn said...

I am too busy for this. I already took the pictures for this upcoming weekend...alright I guess I am in. I am sure glad that I have a friend to "challenge" me. I with Cami...Where is that darn manual? You know I was enjoying the car conversations post so much I didn't even see this post until Cami asked me if I had seen the new challenge. Amazing photography here I come!!