
Are you up for a challenge?

Ok bloggers & people who don't have a blog but still read them (yeah Shanda, I'm talking to you) I am getting a bit sick of the doom & gloom that the media is perpetrating lately. I know that it is reality but I don't want to take off my rose colored glasses just yet. SO.......I am going to start to spread a little joy and wondered if you wanted to come along?

This is a very round about way to get to my idea, but here goes...
A discussion came up lately about what you would do if you knew your time was short on this earth. So I thought it would be cool to make a 'bucket list' of my own. (Not that I think my time is short or anything) As I was thinking about my list, I realized that it consisted of things that scare me. I would be more apt to do those things if I had a friend to do them with. That led me to think that maybe it would be cool to get my online friends to join me....

So I will start with a challenge and you can join in if you want. If you do, make a comment on my blog, take some pictures, post them on yours and we'll see where this goes....
*if you don't have a blog, you can email me at dalejenn27@msn.com!!

1st Challenge: (inspired by April's nightly tradition)

Hold a candlelight dinner for your immediate family, complete with tablecloth & nice dishes. (I may even send out simple invitations.)

Complete the challenge by Oct. 12th..................Have fun!!


Kako said...

Okay, that sounds super fun. I'm in, although I don't know if I own a table cloth (how I got into the Madsen family is still amazing). But we have nice dishes and candles, my family will LOVE it.

April said...

I'm in of course!

Bryce said...
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Kathryn said...

The competitive nature in me can't allow a challenge to go by without accepting. I am in!!

Cami said...

I'm in too, sounds like fun. My family is going to wonder what's up though when I don't pull out the good old paper plates!

Christine said...

You're brilliant! I love this idea:) I could use a little less doom and gloom for sure!

Kathryn said...

Challenge completed!!! It was a lot of fun. Check it out! It sounds like you had a great time in Disneyland.

Sam and Lacey said...

I am in for the challenge. I might even see if anyone in my blog atomosphere wants to be in too.