
Time travel...

It really is silly what makes me happy.

This is post for all of you closeted 80's rockers, the other day I was listening to an 80's station on satellite radio & happened upon a little ditty that I had forgotten about...

Autograph's "Turn up the radio"

It made me so happy while I was driving that I actually did turn up the radio & roll down the windows. My kids were mortified!! Which just fanned the flame...

Seriously, too much fun.


2009 Challenge #4...

Ok, I read the last post in the light of day & want everyone to know that I wrote it more from anger, & the need to vent rather than from self pity. However, it is wonderful to have such kind people in my life.
That being said, and in an effort to pull myself up by my bootstraps (I've located the B12), here is the next challenge...

This one is inspired by the General Relief Society conference address "Happiness, Your Heritage" by President Uchtdorf, (you should read it) & by Enrichment night last week...

Pick a day, any day, & for the WHOLE day...

CREATE happiness.

This will be easy for some but really hard for me, as it is not one of my natural talents.

Deadline: February 22nd.
(I am giving you a whole month, therefore a whole cycle, this will come in handy when choosing the day!!)


A call for honesty...

This is one of those posts that I will write tonight, & probably delete tomorrow. Sleep might help me see the delirium. The funny thing is that even as I write....I, myself, can see the delirium. I was reading a blog the other day & the writer called for more honesty....

Here is my honesty....

Tonight, I feel like a failure.

Baylee tried to run away (only for a second), but I am sure that she has cried herself to sleep by now. Her math & spelling scores still remain low, and I can't seem to find an extra minute to work on them with her, let alone get her violin practiced & her book report finished.

We went to Shay's basketball games tonight, & he didn't dress for JV or Varsity, which has never happened before & he was near tears sitting in the stands. It has put my in a dark mood all night.

Yesterday, when I announced that it was a 'fend for yourself kind of night' at dinner....Tanner replied, "every night is a fend for yourself kind of night at dinner."

My weight is at an all time high, I don't know this for sure because I am scared to death to step on the scale, but I feel it and it doesn't feel good.

I am sick of feeling inadequate because I don't have a large educational fund in savings for my kids, my boys don't have their eagle scout awards, my food storage is not complete, my baseboards are dirty, we don't read scriptures every night, FHE is just getting in the car to get ice cream....again?, our savings account is dwindling, and I can't seem to be the happy, have cookies ready when the kids come home from school, let my kids roll down the stairs with the bean bags, kind of mom. I'm hating the competition right now, & I wish I could make myself not care.

My mom would say this is hormones, & I wouldn't totally disagree but while were on that subject....progesterone is for the birds & makes me feel like I, myself could power a good year blimp. arghhh....

So....how's that for honesty?

It made me feel a little bit better.

Maybe tomorrow, after I sleep & have a good run, I will be motivated to delete this post...
or maybe, just maybe something magical will happen in the night & I will not care if you all learn that I am not perfect and that honestly, I am sick of trying to be.


Excercise epiphany...

Because of injury, cold weather, & no motivation, my running friends & I have decided to walk, instead of run during this winter season.

We timed ourselves today... we walk nearly as fast as we run.
My friend said we should aim to be like the speed walkers that compete in the Senior Games.

I don't know which was harder to swallow...
the fact that all these years of running, we were really barely past walking
realizing that we are not that far away from qualifying to compete in the Senior Games.


2009 Challenge #3...

Make that Doctors appointment that you have been putting off.

Deadline: Jan. 21st

Oh, & the challenge isn't complete until you actually GO to the doctor.


And the baby turns five...

5 reasons to celebrate Keaton:

1. He is a joy to have around & makes us all laugh at the things he says.
2. His enthusiasm for life is endless, roughly translated...he is incapable of holding still.
3. He is good at pretty much everything he does, even break dancing and tumbling.
4. He is a friend to many.
5. He is a charmer & has every one of us under his spell.

Life got the best of me last week.
I knew I had to plan a friend party & the best day was last Saturday.
It was Thursday & I still had no ideas.
Then like magic, I found this great idea via the internet.
I highly recommend this party, it was a hit!!
We pulled it off in two days,
it really was simple, easy & inexpensive.

Keaton's Carnival
Ping pong toss (the prize was a real live goldfish-which half of them, I'm sure are dead....Sorry)
Football throw, Fishing pond, Ring Toss, Bean bag toss, Face painting, duck, duck, goose and
my friend even brought her horses for horse rides...a great time was had by all.


2009 Challenge #2...

Because the last challenge will take a year to complete, here is another one to keep you busy this week,

Clean and organize a closet.

Hint: You can even take a before and after photo to include in your daily photo challenge.

Deadline, Jan 10th.

My closet and husband will be so happy....