
Hey batter batter...

Keaton has worn some version of his baseball uniform for 20 days now.

Monday night, he begged and begged for a pair of batting gloves, he just had to have them, "for the big game!!"

Today, we took his money & went to Target to buy wristbands.

Tonight, we play the "Red Boston Socks", who "are the best" and could "bury us" because they have a kid named August on their team who can hit the ball "a mile".

Man, I love this kid!!!



Did I say sometimes I fall short and sometimes I get it right?

When my kids were young, I always felt that others were judging me by the milestones....

"He still has a binky?",

"When do you think that you'll start potty training?"

Since then, my mediocre parenting hasn't been as obvious to the outside world.
Or so I thought...

Shay & I went to the dentist the other day and do you know how many cavities he has????


It's painful, but true.....TEN.....TEN!! And he's not even my sugar eater!!

I could have sworn he was brushing...


Here is reason to retreat...

At quilt retreat I made these...

and this yummy quilt...

and got to see my VERY fun round robin...

all of which made me incredibly happy, but here is the real reason I retreat...

Yesterday I had an echo-cardiogram, the technician asked how many kids I had, I said 4...
then he said "So, do you know what you're having this time?"
I didn't even cry...I just laughed and thought to myself, poor man, I bet he'd like to find a big rock to hide under.

Today I went to the gynecologist & the dentist. Yes. On the same day. I didn't even cry...I just laughed and thought to myself, how did that happen?

I don't know how long it will be till the effects of the weekend wear off...but I'll tell you this, retreating is good for the soul...

My cousin describes it best on her blog, you should check it out...