I see these moms, you know the ones that can completely block out their children misbehaving while they carry on a conversation....yeah, that annoys me.
Or the moms that drop their children in the nursery during enrichment meeting & then vacate the building....that really annoys me.
Oh, & now lets talk about another subject that gets me riled up...
My house.
I mopped the floor yesterday & today it looks as if I don't even OWN a mop....that annoys me.
No one knows how to turn the lights out when they leave a room....yep, you guessed it....annoying.
And the things that can't seem to get picked up?
(shoes, goggles, bags, books, towels, clothes.....) A...nno...ying
People thinking that the kitchen is open 24/7 & an empty pantry...yesiree, annoys me.
And do you want to know what annoys me the most?
People who can go through life NOT being annoyed.
I mean, really, some people just never seem to lose their cool, they are always seeming to be patient & kind, happy & nonplussed. They (whoever 'they' is) say that it is a state of mind, that if I really wanted to, I could just talk myself into calm.....I don't buy it.
Sometimes, my blood just boils and I want to scream!!!
I should have just kept running around in my cave, drinking Diet Coke because, the moment I left those 4 walls.....well, you get the picture.
Unfortunately, my family was the ones who got to witness the come apart & fortunately....they seem to still like me & want to keep me around. At least that is how it seems because I can't leave the house without one million calls to my cell phone....ok, that annoys me too.
And just because I am in the mood, I will say this.....the scouting program annoys me.
Granted, the program is a good thing. But this guilt thing, & maybe it is only because I live in Utah, come on, GIVE ME A BREAK!!
"Statistics say that those boys that get their eagle scout are the ones that serve a mission" "Look around the room girls, you can't go wrong with an eagle scout" (yes, somebody actually said that at an eagle court of honor.) My reply to it all...."Just because they have the feather, doesn't make them a good or a bad person, statistics show that most boys who get their eagle scout didn't actually get it....their mom did"
But what really annoys me is that somehow, deep down, I let it bother me-
I am affected by the guilt.
Yes, as you can tell, I annoy easily.
This isn't a character flaw that I am proud of, it really annoys me that I have it.
On the upside....enrichment is over, my house has been semi-clean for most of the day, my family has forgiven me, I am making my boys go to scout camp, and for the time being, my only complaint is how annoyed I will be when I fall asleep during the movie that I am about to put in...yes, I know that it is 11:26 pm, please don't annoy me by pointing that out!!
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The worst is when your spouse says it's just PMS. Now that's annoying!
Ditto to the scouting thing. But don't tell anyone I said that!
Do you want to know what else is annoying? People who read and loved your post but don't leave a comment. Sorry...I had an interruption and was meaning to come back, but well,...
Loved this post.
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