
A few hours in my cave, endorphins & a big Diet Coke!

I don't know why I keep forgetting. There are a few things that 'fill' my cup ,I know this, but when I am tired & awnry I also suffer from memory loss. The things 'TO' do overwhelm the list of 'WANT' to do's. Evidently, deadlines work for me. Our family round robin quilt extravaganza is underway & the 1st deadline is July 1st, so I buried myself in my craft room, put on a extremely watched movie & began to sew, pretty much heaven as far as I'm concerned...
Sunday came and alas, I was just plain exhausted. We had no Diet Coke in the house. So I opted for a power nap....it lasted 3-1/2 hours, I woke up feeling like I had been sucker punched. The only remedy (in my mind) was a soda. It really is disgusting how addicted I am. Long story short, I never found one. I fell asleep at 11 pm, which is so not me especially since I had slept so long in the afternoon. I was depressed and having a pity party.
The next morning, I woke up not wanting to run ONE little step, but I went anyway. (It is just not right to get up & move 2 hours before any of the children do). I felt like a slug & was not looking forward to the day...memory loss, I tell you...

Later, as I was driving home from dropping kids off, I stopped & got a Diet Coke. Even later that day I had the nice euphoric thought that I LOVED my life. Was it the quilting, the running or the Diet Coke????? Mmmm....I better not stop doing any of them....


Nicole said...

I've been burying myself in my "craft" room too trying to get this round robin done. Unfortunately it took me an entire week of isolation to decide what I was going to do. Now I'm WAY behind. I am impressed because you make it seem as if you got yours done in one go. (I love it!)

April said...

Your row is SOOOOOOOOO cute! I'm dying!! Make me one just like that for my table...pretty please!