
Birthday time...

Yesterday, Baylee turned 10, after the friend party and then the family one...I was tired & didn't get this posted...

B is for the best.
she is the best daughter, the best sister, the best cousin.
she loves to go on dates with Mom & Dad, she reads to Keaton at bedtime and on Sundays, she organizes games of house, store or building forts.

A is for adventurous.
she loves scary rides, bungee tramps, rock climbing...
A could also stand for athletic, she is good at gymnastics & soccer.
Just last week she went head to head on the soccer field with a 12 year old boy & won.

Y is for youthful.
One thing I love about her is that she still plays with Littlest Pets & dolls.

L is for loving.
she loves her friends (she has a lot of them) & loves all 4 legged creatures.

E is for enthusiastic.
she not only lives in color, she lives in techni-color.
everything she does is heightened.

E is for energetic.
if we could figure out how to bottle it, we wouldn't have to save for college.

We love you BAYLEE!!

scenes from the parties

Baylee is lucky to have been born on Friday the 13th,
just like her Uncle Sam...

Happy Birthday
to 2 of our favorite people on earth.


Kathryn said...

Happy BIrthday Baylee!!! She is definitely all of the things that you described. She is always so good with my kids when they are together. It looks like she had a great Birthday!! About this challenge...I definitely get annoyed but I am having trouble picking someone specific. Like you suggested I might have to talk to Shanda!!

April said...

We love her too...the girls were so excited to read this post!