
Strange things happen in the dead of night....

I have been sick for the past few days. Down. And. Out. I am so congested that the voice in my head is getting louder, & quite frankly driving me nuts. It's not pretty. Case in point, the other night I went to bed at 8:30 (unheard of for me), this felt like a good idea at the time, however, at 1:30 am, not so good. I was awake & so was my mind, here are some things that were on it...(be kind, and remember the hour)...

*Is is just me or does Governor Palin's family look like they could be my neighbors? No fake smiles or thick skin there? Doesn't her husband look like a deer in the headlights? I don't think they are ready for this....poor souls.

*Why, why, why did they cancel Moonlight? Come on CBS, give it time. (Yes, I admit it, I have a secret crush on a vampire....and his name is not Edward)

*Did my ear just pop (please, please, please)? Nope...false alarm.

*I wish I could rewind & raise my children in the 80's. Good times. Good times.

*Are my legs getting softer? Man, I really need to get exercising again!!

*I wish that I had better health coverage so that Dale would go to the allergy doctor....he is keeping me up & I am starting to only recognize him by his cough. (And no, this does not mean that I want socialized medicine)

*Please pop ear....please pop!!

*To do list....... shop for food group, cook for food group. PTA meeting, how many do I go to this week? call about soccer practice, oh yeah....new cleats. pay bills....ugh. I probably should scrub some bathrooms. Pick up vacuum from the repair shop....maybe they will need to keep it another week, that would be nice. Laundry. Set up car pool for preschool. Drive carpool. Finish my round robin, my too cool round robin I might add. Get Baylee to practice the violin at least twice this week. Pick up Shay's tux.....

*ugh....maybe I need to call in sick one more day. GO. TO. SLEEP!!!!!

See what I mean....not pretty, not pretty at all.


rachelstewartpm said...

lol...this is hillarious. It must be so fun to be you and listen to yourself. Sorry about the bad cold.

I can. not. believe. that you had 100 people over for a bbq. I hope it was definitely a tailgate party where everyone brought their own food. Looks like good times though.

Kako said...

I have nights like that. I think turning my brain off is trickier than it sounds. Oh, and here's to hoping your ears pop soon. Annd you get a good night sleep.

Kathryn said...

You totally crack me up! I hope you get to feeling better but these nights do provide some great blog writing material.

April said...

I wish you were always sick...I loved this post.

Nicole said...

Jenn, I have to tell you I've changed my row 4 times already. Yes, started and then changed 4 times. I am so behind now I am feeling pressure to have it be amazing. I really hope it is amazing.