
Seventeen years...

Time flies and time stands still. When I say that we have been married for seventeen years, it feels like that is too short of a time....haven't I always known Dale? And yet, I am also amazed that we have been married seventeen years...has it really been that long?
But alas, it has.
Seventeen years ago, today, Dale picked me up in the early morning hours & we drove together to the St. George temple.
The other night, we were sharing the details about our wedding day with Tanner, when he said "Wow! One day you're single & living alone & then the next day you go home together!" Yes....Tanner, it is crazy and very nearly the most important decision you can ever make.
I look back on how young & naive I was as I made that choice & feel so grateful that I was being watched over....that I ended up with one of the good guys!!

On paper, Dale & would never work out.
We are complete opposites:

He goes to bed early, I am a night owl
He saves, I spend
He shows little emotion, I can't contain mine
He has few hobbies, I have too many
He doesn't need to be social, I do
He could care less about movies, I love them
and the list could go on....

But in reality, we are perfect for each other... he completes me (just had to throw that one in for a gag & a laugh!!) No, seriously...we balance one another out...

I have taught him the fine art of spending money, enjoying a movie, and showing some emotion. He has taught me to live on a budget, mellow out & encourages me to go to bed earlier rather than fall asleep on the sofa.

Even though we differ in so many ways, we are similar in all the right areas & I am so glad to call him my husband & friend. So happy 17th Dale.....I love you!


Christine said...

Happy Anniversary!! You look way to young to have 17 years married:) Hope it's a great year for you two!

PS. We will be at your mom's next weekend... hope we can visit and hang out. I wonder if she would can with me??? I don't know how and desperatly want to learn... I vote you ask her... hehe! Then we can both finally learn to can:)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe we've know each other that long! Oh, the good old days when we were so poor our entertainment was watching Jazz games and eating popcorn or watching "Calamity Jane" and having the cops bust up our "drug party". Oh wait, we're still that poor and still do that for entertainment. Just with a lot more kids. Happy 17th! We'll be right behind you! You guys are awesome!

Kathryn said...

You are a good writer...Happy Anniversary! Did you do something special? I feel the same way about Joe and I sometimes. We don't seem like we would go together on paper but somehow it works...GOOD! Congrats! OH,and that is a good picture of you.