Some call it a waste, I, on the other hand call it fabulous. If I have to pay taxes, I am at least grateful that my kids get to reap some of the benefits of those monies.
They opened a new High School this year & I went to Back to School night a few nights ago....can I just say WOW!! High School is not what it used to be. Biotechnology lab, a separate vocational building, a college level gymnasium & auditorium & a classroom marked "sewing". I almost wanted to go back to school myself. Another blessing a new school brings....a seasoned principal who handpicked his staff. Public education seems to have gotten it right here in St. George.
Shay is taking a sports marketing class (I know....it is soooooo Shay), where they are designing logos & setting up their own fantasy football league. They will also get to set up the website for the schools sporting programs.
I feel it is my duty as a mom to point out, daily, how lucky he is to have such a nice facility that provides all of these opportunities for him. His response, "I know Mom, I know."
Incidentally, Tanner is also at a new school with a great principal, staff & wonderful opportunities. So far, they both seem to be using it to their advantage by completing all of their homework without too much persuasion from me.....but alas, the year is still young.
We had our "meet your teacher" night tonight and we got to see firsthand the top of the line modulars that Pahrump is so fond of. Public Schools in pahrump...
Actually the kids were thrilled and we just won't let them see the schools outside of Pahrump. They wont know any different right?
Sounds awesome...love the sports marketing class...bet Shay is in heaven.
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