
Good times...

Last night I told Keaton that we were going to GG's (Great Grandma's) for Family Home Evening to help her set up her Christmas tree.

His reply...

"Who is GG? Is she that old girl?....The one with the stick?"

I was a bit hesitant to tell my Grandma this story but realized that she was in her 90's and
must be aware that she is, in fact an old girl...with a stick.

Incidentally, she laughed, a lot, & said that she needed to put it in her history.
So, I figured that I needed to put it in mine too.


Kako said...

I LOVE it! That's a great description and I love that Grandma thought so too.

Cami said...

:P LOL...I love that kids just say it like it is!!

April said...

For some dumb reason this made me choke up. The two of you recording your histories. Makes me positively weepy.

Christine said...

What a fun FHE!!! Great history post:)

Paige said...

GG has a great sense of humor. She is so lucky to have you guys close to her. Thanks for a sweet memory of her.