I have entered the work force again and I am now employed by Dixie Applied Technology College.
There are a few things that I have learned by working...
1. Since I am not around to do everything, the kids miraculously figure things out on their own, who knew?
2. I manage my time so much better when I am busy, and I have been BUSY!!!
3. I kind of like it.
However, sometimes the best laid plans...
It is back to school time and I have been stressed a bit about Keaton and working out babysitting for him before Kindergarten, I had it all arranged for the first week. Things looked as if they were ready to go...
Yesterday, Dale called me and said Keaton came home with a headache...
Ten minutes later, he called and told me Keaton had thrown up all over the floor.
And this morning, I had to call in to work, because he continued to throw up all night.
Have I ever said how much I love the stomach flu?
In any case, here are the kiddos on their first day....(this pose was painful for Shay and Tanner, can you tell?)
Gage also HATED to have his pictures taken on the first day of school. However, I am the boss, (or I like to think so), and I made him do it. The other kids were great!
It is good to have some pictures of your kids loving eachother. How did the first day of school go for them. How does Keaton like Kindergarten? Only a few more days for us. YEAH!
It is crazy how much your kids are growing up. I felt like I haven't seen you in forever. Wait.. It was just two days ago. I keep meaning to tell you this. I can take Keaton whenever. I would love to. He would keep ali company.
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