
i blog...therefore i AM??

I recently heard someone say that the common denominator of all human beings is to know that our lives matter. I resisted this 'blogging' thing at first. People my age, at least the ones I know, do not blog-we are barely learning how to put the punctuation marks in our text messages. We all seem to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
Maybe it is the start of a mid-life crisis or the desire in me to find 'myself' amidst all the mayhem, but somehow sending my journal into cyberspace makes me feel like my life exists.


Sam and Lacey said...

I knew you would surrender to the blogging world. We have both done something we said we never would. HAHa Glad to have you on board!

Rachel Stewart said...

Yeah! I am so glad you have joined the ranks. April will be thrilled!

Christine said...

I was so excited to catch your comment on Lacey's blog!! Now I know where to find you...hehe:) I'm going to love your posts, I just know it. Your sense of humor and personality is so fun!! I'm going to add you to my links on my blog... is that ok?

Kako said...

That is how I feel about blogging. I love that idea. Somehow connecting with people and sharing does make me feel a bit more matter-ful (if that's a word) By the way, this is Carol, and I got your blogspot from April. I think my identity comes up Kako, and not everyone knows that's me. Hm. I still matter