

Did I say sometimes I fall short and sometimes I get it right?

When my kids were young, I always felt that others were judging me by the milestones....

"He still has a binky?",

"When do you think that you'll start potty training?"

Since then, my mediocre parenting hasn't been as obvious to the outside world.
Or so I thought...

Shay & I went to the dentist the other day and do you know how many cavities he has????


It's painful, but true.....TEN.....TEN!! And he's not even my sugar eater!!

I could have sworn he was brushing...


Kathryn said...

This is your ever faithful commenter. I had one of those days at the dentist. I felt pretty lousy for a few seconds and then decided to get over it. Actually I would probably laugh at this point. Can't wait to see you and yes I have way to many pictures but oh how cute.

Karyn said...

Hey there!!! I can't wait to see you this weekend!! I am so excited to come!! I was having mother guilt about leaving my kids and then I read your quilt retreat comments and thoses of your cousins and it made my guilt go away! I am so excited to spent time with you girls!!You guys really build me up!!!
P.S. Do you have the pattern for the cute apron you made? Also I love your round robbin!!!I will try and fit in my latest quilt to show you or bring a picture. Any new and exciting scrapbook techniques, paper or products I should know about? see you soon!!!

Anonymous said...

your a good parent and blogger.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from your brother Nate via Juniper PLatypus(whoever that is?)

Wendy said...

Those crazy dentists. I think they find invisible cavities just to pad thier pockets. I have heard the ones in Mesquite are especially bad. :)