

I am stealing a minute of time to post, and stealing an idea from a cousin to use in my post....

Current house guests: 15

Days they are staying: 7

Pairs of shoes by the door: 25

Gallons of milk consumed so far: 6

Plastic cups sitting on the counter: 22

Average bed time: 1 (am)

Meltdowns because of the average bedtime (not including my own): 4

Years since they have visited: 4

Amount of fun my kids are having: LOADS


Kathryn said...

It looks like alot of controlled chaos fun! I think you need a vacation after playing hostess! I know of a beautiful desert oasis... I might steal your idea that you stealed! Was that soda in those cups on the counter???

April said...

Oh, enjoy it!

The plastic cups on the counter are cracking me up.

Christine said...

Wow! That must be Dale's crew. All I have to say is, try and save some energy for QR!! I'm banking on your hilarious comments at 3am to keep me sewing... I'm mean to keep me going! hehe... can't wait to see you.

Karyn said...

How fun to have family staying over!! I am jealous! We always live so far away we never get a house full, so enjoy!! I am so excited to be coming for scrapbook weekend!!! Can't wait to hang out with you and and your fun personality!!